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Anthony Geraci's Fifty Shades Of Blue swells with great material

Anthony Geraci’s Fifty Shades Of Blue swells with great material

Anthony Geraci’s latest solo album Fifty Shades Of Blue isn’t just a solo album. Although Geraci has written and produced every one of the exceptional songs, he has a high caliber cast of characters along for the ride. Aside from his Sugar Ray And The Bluetones band mates, Geraci has also recruited drummer Marty Richards and vocalists Darrell Nulisch, Michelle Willson, and Toni Lynn Washington. Great songs sung by great singers is often a promising start and this CD is full of much more than just promise.




Booty Vortex playing final New Year's Eve show at Johnny D's

Booty Vortex playing final New Year’s Eve show at Johnny D’s

The rumors are true Party People…our beloved Johnny D’s is CLOSING early next year after an amazing 46-year run in Davis Square, Somerville. Join Booty this NEW YEAR’S EVE as we celebrate another spin around the sun and give our friends at the legendary music club a FUNKTASTIC sendoff…BOOTY STYLE!

Andy Newton impresses greatly with debut CD A Banner Day

Andy Newton impresses greatly with debut CD A Banner Day

Andy Newton’s debut CD A Banner Day offers a variety of rocking Americana soundscapes within interesting singer-songwriter song craft. It’s uncanny how well Newton dives into a lot of different approaches and keeps emerging with his own personal, unique vocal timbre, narrative, and musical shadings. Recorded at Mortal Music Studios in Charlestown, Massachusetts, A Banner Day carries a banner for roots music as written from the point of view of a youthful man of today.

Rebecca Harrold to play Carnegie Hall October 24th, other Rebecca Harrold news too

Rebecca Harrold to play Carnegie Hall October 24th, other Rebecca Harrold news too

There is something about Autumn that revitalizes me and promises the hope of new beginnings. With holidays coming and school beginning, this time of year has always energized me! And I’m excited to share all the NEW events happening in my life.

Jan Marie & The Mean Reds offer fine live document with Released

Jan Marie & The Mean Reds offer fine live document with Released

Jan Marie & The Mean Reds have chosen to release their song selections with a live album titled Released. A lot of classy timeless music is certainly released by Jan Marie and her band of local A-list players. Trumpet player Scott Aruda, keyboardist Rusty Scott, drummer Phil McGowan, and bassist Justin Meyer provide a high octane support for Jan Marie as she takes her listener down music’s memory lane. Local music scene journeyman Tom Bianchi and Jan Marie have drawn a good sound from the vocals and musicians to come up with a first rate live album.

"Slutty" Pete Zona

“Slutty” Pete birthday blues bash another success for Village Trestle, Wantu

The 11th Annual “Slutty” Pete’s Birthday Jam with special guest Travis Colby gathered many of the usual suspects in the local area of Goffstown, New Hampshire’s Village Trestle. “Slutty” Pete Zona has been hosting the Wantu Blues Jam every Sunday at the Trestle for several years now. Nicknamed “Slutty” by other musicians because he’ll “play with anybody,” Zona has become a popular fixture in his area’s music scene, and this annual event recognizes him in grand style. With a little help from his friends.

Racky Thomas brings blues yesteryear to colorful life with Goin' Home CD

Racky Thomas brings blues yesteryear to colorful life with Goin’ Home CD

Racky Thomas has come up with a fun, detailed, enriched album with “Goin’ Home,” exploring in depth his favorite roots genres, blues, gospel, Louisiana blues, and vintage country. He also has a band behind him and beside him for the ride, each contributing greatly to the colorful array of yesteryear that Thomas lays out for his listeners.

Toni Lynn Washington is in all her glory on I Wanna Dance CD

Toni Lynn Washington is in all her glory on I Wanna Dance CD

Toni Lynn Washington’s latest CD I Wanna Dance is a nine track field trip through all of the various forms of blues music that Ms. Washington has favored over the years. The chanteuse seems to take her listener by the hand and walks him through like an enthusiastic tour guide pointing out many great highlights

Johnny Hoy & The Bluefish offer year's best CD with The Dance

Johnny Hoy & The Bluefish offer year’s best CD with The Dance

Johnny Hoy And The Bluefish bat it out of the ballpark on their latest CD, The Dance. Appropriately named, the music on this masterwork will inspire you to move your feet. The songs will also compel you to listen closely to every little nugget of notes. Seriously. This has to be the best local CD of the year.