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Arthur James; Malyssa Bellarosa; Alicia Botticelli-Tarasuk; Paul Costley playing a 1600s Thanksgiving. photo shop: Alicia Botticelli-Tarasuk

November; a month to gobble up some great New England live music

When we think of November we think about that warm Thanksgiving Day meal with family and friends. Some people might also think about Black Friday prices. Since Thanksgiving is not nearly as commercialized as the other holidays, we’ll have plenty of time to check out great live New England music. Especially during that restful four […]

Martha's Vineyard's Tristan Israel offers dandy singer-songwriter treat with Out Into The Midnight

Martha’s Vineyard’s Tristan Israel offers dandy singer-songwriter treat with Out Into The Midnight

Tristan Israel’s latest album Out Into The Midnight takes Israel’s singer-songwriter flare for expressive vocals and artistic lyrical flourishes and adorns them with special instrumentation. Penny whistle, violin, and quirky keyboards create a special soundscape for this Martha’s Vineyard singer-songwriter to put across his warm regard for life and all of the special folks who […]

Amy Marie; photo credit: Andrew Diggs

The Cape’s Amy Marie, lead singer, songwriter, survivor

Known professionally only by her first and middle name, Cape Cod based lead vocalist Amy Marie is having the time of her life. Amy Marie has been fronting the Cape’s hugely popular party band Just Like That for six years. The opera trained singer who began taking piano lessons at age five has also branched […]

Tony Savarino comes up with another masterpiece: Savvy Tonarino

Tony Savarino comes up with another masterpiece: Savvy Tonarino

Tony Savarino has several new tricks up his sleeve these days. His new Savvy Tonarino album is loaded with many fine moments of his exceptional guitar work, things he didn’t do the last time around in the studio. While his technique has always been top notch, he pushes himself here to do more with tones, […]

The Sunset Kings are off to a powerful start with The Ballad Of Bella Fury

The Sunset Kings are off to a powerful start with The Ballad Of Bella Fury

The Sunset Kings’ debut CD The Ballad Of Bella Fury takes prog rock to a higher level. Its inclusion of saxophone and violin allow for colors, tones, and textures not usually found in those playing complex rock song structures, odd time signatures, and wildly impressive instrumental solos. Some of the instrumental passages remind of mid-1970s […]