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Kim Moberg impresses greatly with folk-rock opera The Seven Fires Prophecy

Kim Moberg impresses greatly with folk-rock opera The Seven Fires Prophecy

Kim Moberg’s new folk-rock opera The Seven Fires Prophecy centers on an old Native American legend, and the album greatly impresses and intrigues on many levels. This story of ancient peoples in North America and the prophets who guide them provides mystical songwriting material that Moberg and her producer, multi-instrumentalist Jon Evans turn into a […]

Amadee  Castanell

October; don flannel shirts, Halloween costumes, and celebrate Octoberfest with New England live music as your soundtrack

Have you got your flannel shirts on yet? Have you decided which Octoberfest Beer Blast you’ll attend? Have you picked out your Halloween costume yet? Yes, folks, we’re cruising headlong into the party hearty month of Halloween. We even have a Friday the 13th to add to our celebrations. So, make sure you’re wearing your […]

Andy & Judy bring plenty of musical joy and understanding to Another Ghost Town

Andy & Judy bring plenty of musical joy and understanding to Another Ghost Town

Andy & Judy put together their new album Another Ghost Town with the upmost care. It is true folk music, rooted in the Americana sound and also in the American story. Work songs. Abandoned towns. A song about radio. A heroic athlete’s song. A song for the next generation. Much of the American experience is […]

Red Matter utilize their influences well on beautiful Northbound Train album

Red Matter utilize their influences well on beautiful Northbound Train album

Connecticut’s jam band Red Matter reflect on their influences in their new album Red Matter. Yet, despite their traditions in their genre, they manage to build songs that also reflect how they use the jam band tradition to their own advantage while also finding room to stretch out with their own imaginative flights of fancy. […]