Rhode Island based charity 24 Hour Music Project seeks to raise money

Kyle Andree is the director for a Rhode Island based charity called The 24 Hour Music Project. This is what it does. In August they  gathered over 50 Rhode Island area musicians, songwriters and vocalists together to record an album in 24 Hours. Among those gathered include members of past WBRU rock hunt winners For The Love of Sloane, Psychedelic Clown Car, Sgt. Baker and The Clones, Torn Shorts, Audio McSwagger, and many many others. Their proceeds from the sale of this album and their benefit show on Tuesday October 6th at The Spot Underground in Providence RI go to benefitting victims of domestic violence. Specifically for this project, proceeds benefit 4 year old Lily and 6 year old Jake, two special needs children from Johnston who lost both their parents this year to a domestic violence situation. 24 Hour Music Project would like to to raise some awareness about their CD, their benefit with speakers from the state, and most importantly, Lily and Jake. Ideally 24 Hour Music Project would be able to come in studio in the next two weeks, play some cuts from the CD, and possibly even perform live in studio! You can learn more about us at these links. www.24HourMusicProject.org


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