Monkeys With Hammers hitting Acton, Maine this Halloween night

MonkeysWithHammersMaineThis week, power rock trio Monkeys With Hammers have a Halloween night gig: (10/31) at Willy’s Ale Room in Acton, Maine. It’s a costume party with fabulous prizes.

Due to the unfortunate venue closings earlier this month, MWH is off for three weeks after Halloween, so please go if you’d like to catch them live.

The Manchester trio play rock in the vein of Foo Fighters and Stone Temple Pilot. They’re also influenced Big Wreck, The Beatles, Jellyfish, Cheap Trick, and Winery Dogs.

Live music is becoming a lost art. Don’t miss a chance to see this trio, Chris Lester on lead vocals and guitar; Rich Knox on bass and vocals; Eric Wagley on drums and vocals. They’re talented. They’re friendly, but don’t get Chris Lester started on the current state of the music industry.

If you dig that kind of music and if you like ale, this band and venue might be the combination you’re looking for.

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