Keep Whippersnappers Alive; another music club facing possible closing

Music Fans,
As you are already aware, Whippersnappers has recently suffered a potentially catastrophic financial setback as a result of the electrical fire at the Londonderry Commons Plaza.
With our economy as it is, and in a business that greatly relies on our patrons disposable income which as well has lessened drastically over the past few years, the loss of business over a valuable weekend has put us in a situation that may be difficult to recover from. Michele and I are at the point that we need to reach out and ask for support. Historically, and still now, Whippersnappers has proudly been a stronghold in the live entertainment community. There is not a working musician in this business that has not suffered financially as a result of cutbacks in entertainment by many establishments they have played over the years. Whippersnappers has been known for its stand on live music, and has proudly boasted five nights of live music per week.
Anyway, my point…
While we have been closed since Friday afternoon, we’ve been working around the clock to negotiate with the powers that be to get us open, and we have now accomplished that. We are one of two businesses that have been allowed to reopen with temporary power until the rest of the work has been completed which may take a week to restore.
Can you please send this email to all of the bands that we have supported at Whippersnappers. I want all to know that we WILL be having our Jam Night tomorrow night as scheduled, and if there ever has been a time to come out and support, it’s now. Please tell your friends and your fans to come out as well.
There will be insurance claims and legal action taken to recover losses, but we all know what is involved with that, and quite frankly we wont survive the interim.
Thank you in advance for letting everyone know.
Mark and Michele

One response to “Keep Whippersnappers Alive; another music club facing possible closing”

  1. Ruby

    a huge thank you is also in order to those who have been working non-stop to clean up after the events of Friday afternoon. it is thanks to them that the restaurant is able to open so soon. and please remember those who will be most affected by any loss of business: the employees who rely upon your business and tips.